Foreign military attaches residing in Tehran visited Supreme National Defense University (SNDU)

13 November 2022 | 19:38 Code : 6602 Main news
Foreign military attachés from 35 countries residing in Tehran visited Supreme National Defense University on Monday, 07/11/2022, at the invitation of the President of the university.
Foreign military attaches residing in Tehran visited Supreme National Defense University (SNDU)

Foreign military attachés from 35 countries residing in Tehran visited Supreme National Defense University on Monday, 07/11/2022, at the invitation of the President of the university. In this visit, which began with the recitation of some verses from the Holy Quran, the President of the University while welcoming the military attachés talked about the new global developments that have been led to the new international order, and the necessity of paying attention to the scientific-research institutes that have an influential role in predicting the trends and the formation of the new order and systems in the future. In the continuation of the ceremony, the Deputy of education and post-graduate studies and also the Deputy of research of the University talked about the programs and future goals of the university including the admission of foreign students from friendly, aligned and impartial countries at the Faculty of the Holy Prophet (PBUH). They also dealt with the main themes of the International Conference on the New World Order Geometry, which is scheduled to be held in May, 2023, hosted by Supreme National Defense University in Tehran, and gave sufficient explanations in this regard and asked the military attachés to inform their respective study-centers and research think tanks of the time and place of the conference.

At the end of the ceremony, the senior military attaché while referring to the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran, in addition to trying to ensure its own security, cares about the security of its neighboring and regional countries as well, and appreciated the created opportunity for visiting this university.

This ceremony ended with the exchange of crests between Supreme National Defense University and the Association of Military attachés residing in Tehran, and before leaving the university, the military attachés visited the Faculties of Defense, Security and Strategic Management, as well as the central library of the university, and attended one of the group-study sessions.

tags: supreme national defense university attach military attach attach eacute attach eacute s military attach eacute

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