The press conference of the president of Supreme National Defense University (SNDU) regarding the New World Order Geometry International Conference

20 May 2023 | 06:34 Code : 6698 Main news
Brigadier Ismail Ahmadi Moghadam, the President of Supreme National Defense University, on Monday morning 08/05/2023, at a press conference on the New World Order Geometry International Conference, which was held at SNDU about the process change of the world order since 110 years ago, said that firstly, the most important change coincided with the First World War, during which the Ottoman Empire was destroyed and disintegrated, and the map of West Asia and North Africa underwent serious changes with the emergence of many countries.
The press conference of the president of Supreme National Defense University (SNDU) regarding the New World Order Geometry International Conference

According to the International Relations and Communication Center of SNDU, Brigadier Ismail Ahmadi Moghadam, the President of Supreme National Defense University, on Monday morning 08/05/2023, at a press conference on the New World Order Geometry International Conference, which was held at SNDU about the process change of the world order since 110 years ago, said that firstly, the most important change coincided with the First World War, during which the Ottoman Empire was destroyed and disintegrated, and the map of West Asia and North Africa underwent serious changes with the emergence of many countries.

At the same time, the Bolshevik revolution in the then Russia became victorious. It was the beginning of the next changes in World War II. Dr. Ahmadi Moghadam stated, “The Second World War was the next profound change that led to the presence of America and the Soviet Union in Europe, and new countries appeared on the world map. Then the Cold War era began, when there was neither war nor peace, which led to the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the subsequent collapse of the Soviet Union and the emergence of new countries and the disintegration of Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. It was an indication of vast geopolitical changes and changes in power calculations in the world. September 11 was the beginning of a new division in the political map of the world, when Bush Jr. announced the new world order by attacking Iraq and Afghanistan. It was the beginning of the unilateral domination and unilateralism of the United States in the world, and the United States tried to introduce itself as the only superior power in world management and governance.”

Dr. Ahmadi Moghadam stated that after September 11, there were vast changes in the world, including the emergence of new great powers such as China and India, the regaining of power of Russia, the emergence of new unions such as Shanghai and BRICS, and new power blocs all of which was a challenge to American unilateralism. He added that during this period, we are witnessing the expansion of NATO to the east to be present in Afghanistan and Iraq and to tighten the Russian blockade, and it has shifted from an initial defensive state to an offensive state. But what occurred last year in the form of the Ukraine war increased the speed of global developments against unilateralism and more changes were made in line with the isolation of America, in such a way that the rebellion against the dollar can be considered as one of these changes, and any country that wants to operate in a chaotic and uncertain field for its society and nation needs to know this new environment.

Dr. Ahmadi Moghadam said that in this environment, even close allies of America in the region did not respond to American sanctions against Russia, and the neighboring Arab countries approaching to Iran and the Syria's re-membership to the Arab League will be the beginning of new developments in the region. He added that the new developments of the Zionist regime also gave a realistic view to the countries of the region, and they are trying to take more serious steps in the field of security with a better diversification, and these are signs that the speed of developments will increase in the future. The war in Ukraine can be seen the end of American unilateralism. This war caused American allies not to accompany this country in sanctioning Russia, and on the other hand, neighboring Arab countries became closer to each other, for instance, rejoining Syria to the Arab League. In fact, these developments are because future developments will be more complicated.

The war in Ukraine and the impact of virtual space and the uprising against the dollar rule and global developments are indicative of the fact that this world order is undergoing fundamental changes, so the Islamic Republic of Iran as a regional and global power can have myriad effects on future trends. He said that we must try to know and master the future environment as much as possible, and it is not possible unless we achieve it by merely using domestic knowledge, and in this regard, knowledge sharing is also important in this field. Therefore, by inviting universities and international scientific centers to this conference, we tried to be able to present a more accurate picture of the future and also the Islamic Republic of Iran can perform well in this new field and take greater steps in the path of progress and find a good position. Explaining the theoretical concepts in the new world order formation, discourse-construction and promoting the literature of the new order are among the goals of this conference, and its scientific topics are supposed to be on eight topics.

He said that some of the topics are the new approaches in the formation of the new world order, factors affecting it, the Promiseism in the new world order, as well as the Islamic revolution, the resistance front and the new world order. Also, in addition to domestic scientific centers, 42 international academic and study centers have announced their readiness to participate in this conference, and this number may increase. 53 pre-meeting sessions 16 webinars with centers have been held inside the country and abroad respectively. The invitation for this conference was issued late November 2022 and a deadline for receiving the abstracts was Jan. 5, 2023, and the main articles had to be delivered by Feb. 26, 2023.

Dr. Ahmadi Moghadam stated that after these incidents, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution asked the universities to adopt a solution for the new developments. Accordingly, Supreme National Defense University proposed holding the mentioned conference, which was approved by the University Board of Trustees.

He stated that the conference will be held on May 10 and 11, 2023 and added that Joint meetings will be held on the sidelines of the conference. In the closing ceremony, after the secretary of the conference sums up the conference, Rear Admiral Shamkhani, the secretary of the Supreme National Security Council, will address the audience.

The President of Supreme National Defense University said that 364 articles were received by the secretariat of the international conference on the “New World Order Geometry”, among which 229 articles have been approved. In this regard, 46 national scientific and research centers and 16 international scientific and research centers have cooperated with the secretariat. 182 international guests from 36 countries will attend the conference, and official delegations from China, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Oman, Syria and Iraq will be present.

tags: new emergence new new world new world order new developments world world order world war conference order

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