Maj. Gen. Seyed Yahya Safavi delivers a lecture at the closing ceremony of the New World Order Geometry International Conference as well as summing up the expert panel

According to the Center for International Relations and Communication of Supreme National Defense University (SNDU), Maj. Gen. Seyed Yahya Safavi, Assistant and Senior Advisor to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, at the closing ceremony of the International Conference on the New World Order Geometry and at the conclusion of the Geopolitics and Geostrategy panel of this conference stated that "Is it possible for a new hub of power, called "the power of the Islamic world", to emerge in the new world order geometry ? What are the capacities and challenges of the emergence of this new hub of power and what timeframe can be predicted for the establishment and development of this hub of power in the Islamic world?
In response to the above-mentioned questions, he stated that the issue of the Islamic world and its upliftment, centered on the Islamic Revolution and the Islamic Republic of Iran, has occupied my mind for years. He noted that my years of research, writing, and teaching has been mostly focused on the issue of the Islamic world, and today, in this conference, I am presenting and registering the issue of them Islamic world power hub for the first time as a scientific theory.
By referring to the developments of the last two decades in the world, he said that the competition between China and the United States, and Russia and the United States, the expansion of NATO to the east, the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan, extensive sanctions against Iran, Russia and China, the establishment of the Takfiri group (ISIS), the power-taking of Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Ukraine war, the Taiwan crisis, and other topics show that the power is slowly transferring from the West to the East of the world and the basis of the change of power is cultural, economic and knowledge-based factors or new technologies and the emergence of new leaders.
Beyond the geopolitical transition period, the world is slowly moving towards a new order, which shows a new two-part structure (Eastern and Western) in the world power system. Among these changes, the question is whether the Islamic world has the necessary material and spiritual capacities to play a role as a major world power in the new era? Can the 57-member countries of the Islamic Conference Organization or the Muslims of other countries who are not the members of the Islamic Cooperation Organization form this hub of power?
The head of Martyr Qassem Soleimani Research Institute of Science and Teachings of the Sacred Defense, Maj. Gen. Seyed Yahya Safavi, while describing the capabilities of the Islamic world said that with the natural and human geography capabilities of the Islamic world, the Islamic world is about 32 million square kilometers, equivalent to about 22% of the land area of the earth and 21% of the world's population, and it is predicted that the world's Muslim population will exceed the world's Christian population by 2050. All Islamic countries are members of the United Nations and through periodic membership in the Security Council as well as the approval of resolutions in the General Assembly, they have a high influence on international arrangements. An example of this effect is the approval of resolutions against the Zionist regime in the General Assembly supported by Islamic countries and the awakened consciences of the world.
Maj. Gen. Seyed Yahya Safavi said that many strategic points are located in the territory of Islamic countries, even if Islamic countries do not want to use the advantages of these points in order to increase their power and influence, they still need to have an appropriate strategy in order to maintain their independence and territorial integrity and prevent the intervention of other powers. Since more than 90% of world trade is carried out by sea, maritime powers such as the United States and NATO are obliged to pass through straits. In the meantime, having the major and strategic crossings of the world, such as Gibraltar, Suez, Bab al-Mandab, Hormuz, Bosphorus and Dardanelles, Malacca, Tirana, etc., has given Islamic countries a lot of control and supervision. The importance of the major waterways of Malacca, Hormuz, Bab al-Mandeb and Suez in the field of energy transit is known by everyone, in such a way that the average daily transfer of oil through the Strait of Hormuz is about 17.5 million barrels. Another important issue related to the role of Islamic countries in the geopolitics of energy is the issue of playing a role in the form of international organizations in the field of energy, specifically OPEC and OGEC (Organization of the Gas Exporting Countries). Explaining the geo-culture and cultural situation of the Islamic world, he added, “The culture-civilization set of Islam is one of the main foundations of Huntington's theory of clash of civilizations. Many geopolitical concepts and theories are somehow related to the Islamic countries, geography and issues and their importance. Terms such as “Fertile Crescent”, “Heartland” and “New Energy Ellipse” prove the importance of all or part of the geography of the Islamic world in geopolitics.
In the book “The unity of the Islamic world; the vision of the future”, I have enumerated and explained the two unity with two categories of religious and intellectual bases and the belief bases of the formation of the new power hub of the Islamic world, the ideological basis is Islam which is the highest and the best and there is nothing higher than that, and Imam Khomeini considered the philosophy of the occultation and appearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) as the power-taking of Islam in the world and the establishment of peace and justice.
In concluding the panel, Maj. Gen. Safavi presented his theory entitled “The rise and emergence of the Islamic World Power Hub” emphasized that the theoretical framework and geopolitical and strategic thought governing this theory, derived from Imam Khomeini’s and Ayatollah Khamenei’s (the Supreme Leader of the I.R. of Iran) thoughts and the Islamic Revolution experience. He added that this hub of power will be formed as a “geopolitical, geostrategic, geo-economic and geo-cultural structure” to compete and resist against the western and eastern powers of the world; and the nature of this power is cultural, civilizational, economic and demographic.
Analyzing the role of the Axis of Resistance and its geostrategic effects in the Islamic world, Major General Safavi stated that the formation and expansion of the Resistance Front from the Mediterranean Sea to the Red Sea, and the Persian Gulf against the American-Hebrew front caused the defeat of America. By referring to the internal challenges in the Islamic world that create an obstacle for the emergence of this pole of power, he said that despite the forces that have caused the erosion and degradation of the geopolitical and geostrategic status of the countries in the Islamic world, this potential hub of power enjoys the significant capacity and human power, cultural and economic importance to achieve its rightful place in the world power relations, and based on the results of this theory, the prerequisite for the Islamic world is to become a hub of power in the international system is recognition, understanding and common understanding in relation to myriad geopolitical and geostrategic capacities of these countries and societies for the collective benefit and geopolitical maturity of this vast cultural and civilizational area.
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