An MOU has been signed between Supreme National Defense University (SNDU) and National Foundation for Computer Games (NFCG)

On August 15, 2023, a delegation consisting of the CEO and the deputies of the National Foundation for Computer Games (NFCG), at the invitation of the Research Institute of Logistics, Defense Technology and Passive Defense met with the president of SNDU and discussed the cooperation capacities of the two sides in scientific, research and educational fields.
At the beginning of the session, a native model of strategic game software was presented by Logistics Research Institute, Defense Technologies and Passive Defense. Then, the honorable CEO of the NFCG pointed to the large number of mobile game players in the country and the role of playing games on the attitude, expectations and diversity of the players and role of serious playing games in various fields of education, health, medicine, tourism, etc. He also mentioned the contribution of the country's academic studies and researches in the field of digital games and pointed out that according to the ranking of Web of Science, Iran stands on the 18th place in the world's science production in this field.
In the following, regarding cooperation in designing and implementing joint research projects, preparing and defining policy documents in the field of computer games in the country, designing and developing strategic game systems, planning and macro-design in the field of games in various educational dimensions, setting up joint study cores, scientific cooperation In the council for the intelligent strategic transformation of the logistics of the armed forces, cooperation in the activation of national and international secretariats in the matters of interest to both parties, providing advice in the field of issues required by the parties, designing and holding exhibitions, conferences and joint meetings at the national and international levels were discussed.
At the end of this meeting, an MOU between the SNDU and the NFCG with the aim of developing and exploiting the scientific, research and educational capacities of the country to meet the needs of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran was signed by the President of SNDU and the CEO of NFCG.
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