The head of the Soft War Research institute of the Supreme National Defense University delivered a speech in the Jihad of explanation session

19 December 2023 | 11:01 Code : 6881 Main news
The head of the Soft War Research institute of the Supreme National Defense University delivered a speech in the Jihad of explanation session

According to the International Relations and Communication Center of the Supreme National Defense University (SNDU), Brigadier General Afshar, the head of the Soft War Research Institute of the SNDU, delivered a speech in the Jihad of explanation meeting that was held on Monday morning, December 11, 2023 in Abshenasan Hall at the SNDU. He stated that university students and the movement of students has been continued in our country, and its history goes back to before the victory of the Islamic Revolution, and since then, university environments were coveted by the world of arrogance and the Pahlavi regime, and they tried to achieve their goals from student environments.

Brigadier General Afshar emphasized that the student movement gained more color after the Islamic revolution and remained focused on the stage in confronting threats, and one of the most important themes of studying the thought of Imam Khomeni has been the movement of the institutions of the Islamic revolution.

Then, the head of the Soft War Research Center of the Supreme National Defense University said that if we want our government to be a popular government and a religious democracy to happen, affairs must be entrusted to the people, and this issue is not limited to the people's vote for parliament and the government, and ultimately to elections. Popular government means that the people stay on the stage and have a decisive role in the implementation, and Imam Khomeini also had such an understanding of the Islamic government, in such a way that the main burden of implementation is on the shoulders of the people and the government is limited to policy-making,  supervision, guidance and support and taking actions in this framework.

After that, he said that in a revolutionary institution, we should leave the implementation work to the people, then institutionalize it. The people should be organized individually, and lay the rails for the movement of the people in the country. The role of students was decisive in the formation of these institutions and the flow of the cultural revolution. The universities were closed for 2-3 years, and this huge number of students were led to play a role in the defense of the country, in construction, in establishing security and in various sectors, in which the students had the leading role.

In the end, Brigadier General Afshar clarified the point that many of the country's developments are due to the efforts of jihadists and jihad of students, and whatever that went out of the classical format was planned and took a leap with the presence of the people and the role of the youth.

tags: people students government role movement country

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