The Supreme National Defense University has attained a position of such academic eminence that it possesses the capability to achieve the foremost rank in the region amongst other comparable universities

19 May 2024 | 10:49 Code : 7004 Main news
Lieutenant General Dr. Seyed Rahim Safavi, the President of the Holy Defense Sciences and Research Institute Martyr General Haj Qassem Soleimani, stated in a meeting with Major General Dr. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, the esteemed President of the Supreme National Defense University: The Supreme National Defense University has attained a position of such academic eminence that it possesses the capability to achieve the foremost rank in the region amongst other comparable universities.
The Supreme National Defense University has attained a position of such academic eminence that it possesses the capability to achieve the foremost rank in the region amongst other comparable universities

According to the report from the Communications and International Relations Center of the SNDU, Lieutenant General Dr. Seyed Rahim Safavi, the President of Martyr General Soleimani Holy Defense Sciences and Research Institute, at the head of a delegation, on Monday, the 6th of May,2024 met and conferred with the President of the Supreme National Defense University and the officials of this university.

At the outset of the meeting, Major General Dr. Esmail Ahmadi Moghaddam, after extending a warm welcome, referred to the important and salient points of the report presented in the meeting of the University's Board of Trustees regarding the activities of the Supreme National Defense University. Subsequently, a comprehensive report of these activities was presented by the Deputy for Planning and Programs of the University.

In the continuation of the meeting, General Safavi, while expressing gratitude for the report presented and the actions taken, stated: The scholarly works of General Ahmadi Moghaddam are praiseworthy and laudable, and his presence at the Supreme National Defense University is a blessing not only for this university, but for the Armed Forces and the country as a whole.

The President of the Martyr General Haj Qassem Soleimani Holy Defense Sciences and Research Institute, while expressing astonishment at the volume of activities and measures undertaken by the Supreme National Defense University, stated: The extent of these activities is quite extensive, and the Supreme National Defense University, with this level of prominent activities and measures carried out, should be placed at the forefront nationally, regionally, and internationally in comparison to other universities.

General Safavi, alluding to a statement by the President of Harvard University to the effect that Harvard University manages the world because senior managers and high-ranking officials of many countries around the world have graduated from this university, and this has led them to both implement the lessons learned from that university in their own countries and maintain their connection with this university, added: The Supreme National Defense University also possesses this capability, and by providing international education to foreign students, it creates this capacity for the university and the country to enjoy similar conditions to those referred to by the President of Harvard University.

He further added: Just as European and American universities are active in some countries in the region, the Supreme National Defense University must also take steps to establish universities in the countries of the region and neighboring states, and expand its academic activities in these countries. This capability and capacity exists within the Supreme National Defense University.

Dr. Seyed Rahim Safavi, highlighting the scientific importance and standing of the university among its peer institutions worldwide, stated: The Supreme National Defense University must define its position and ranking among other reputable universities globally. One of the ways in which it can assist in the achievement of this objective is by establishing international journals and periodicals.

He subsequently alluded to the support of the Revered Commander-in-Chief and the Honorable Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces for the university, and added: Given the positive view that the Supreme Leader and General Bagheri have of the university, one can conclude that they are satisfied with the university.

The President of the Martyr General Haj Qassem Soleimani Holy Defense Sciences and Research Institute, emphasizing the relationship between human capital and the university's academic activities, stated: The significance and value of the university's initiatives and scientific, applied, and impactful research at the national, regional, and international levels depend on two factors - the qualitative and quantitative growth of the university's graduates. In this regard, he named the primary priority of the university as the training and education of military and security commanders in the Army, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Police Force, and the Ministry of Defense and Armed Forces Logistics. He added: We must achieve this priority both at the level of the Armed Forces and nationally, by expanding governance education, especially in the field of the media and cyberspace related to cognitive warfare, and this will not be possible without attention to the quality and quantity of faculty and course content.

In the concluding segment of his remarks, the esteemed General Safavi delved into the subject of theorization and its paramount importance in the current regional and global climate. He emphatically stated that there is a pressing need to work on the theory of resistance and the power of the Islamic world's pole.He further elaborated that with the advent of "Tufan-al-Aqsa" and the "Wa'dah-Sadegh" (the Truthful Promise), the West Asian region, with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Resistance Front at its epicenter, will undergo a profound political transformation. This, he asserted, necessitates the formulation of a novel theoretical framework.

Moreover, the General noted that for years, the Western nations had been defining geopolitics and geostrategic concepts for us. However, he proclaimed that now, in the Islamic Republic of Iran, we are adopting an introspective approach, drawing inspiration from the Imam of the Revolution, and propounding our own theoretical constructs.Finally, at the conclusion of this session, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed and exchanged between the National Defense University and the Shahid Soleimani Research Institute of Sacred Defense Sciences, regarding the expansion of their collaborative efforts in the realms of academia, education, and research.

tags: university defense university national defense university supreme national defense university harvard university university 39 university 39 s defense national defense supreme national defense

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